Kinguser 5.4.0 APK

Rating: 156 Votes, 4.2/5

Apps, Productivity
May 25 2024
Kinguser APK

Download APK (10.99 MB) Old Version

This is an original APK file, it's safe to download and free of any virus.

File info

version 5.4.0
Size 10.99 MB
File name com.kingroot.kinguser-5.4.0.apk
OS Require 2.3 or higher
Category Productivity


Kinguser Apk is similar to the Supersu Apk. To Install King user you should need Root your device. The main purpose of this app is managing root permissions. And also there are many more features than the Supersu app. Android devices can be personalized even more by rooting them. But getting root access alone is not sufficient. It is required that you also have an app to manage the root access. If you are an advanced Android user and have already rooted your device then Kinguser APK can be good choice for this purpose. Kinguser APK is similar to already popular root manager SuperSu. But Kinguser comes with some extra features, making it a solid alternative.

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