SecondSpace 2.0.6 APK

Rating: 163 Votes, 4.4/5

Feb 22 2022
CodeStack Tech

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File info

version 2.0.6
Size 15.03 MB
File name com.codestack.secondspace-2.0.6.apk
OS Require 5.0 or higher
Category Auto & Vehicles


SECOND SPACE Pvt Ltd is a vehicle trading Service Company operated through online platform. The Customer can choose our services - vehicle selling and buying. Our focus is to assist Customers with quick turnaround time and hassle-free transactions for these services. Our works are mainly taken through auctions under the company name SECOND SPACE Pvt Ltd.

Terms and Conditions

• SECONDSPACE is an online vehicles selling and buying system. The Customer can easily sell and buy vehicle through SECOND SPACE mobile application.
• Customers shall agree to the instructions mentioned in the SECOND SPACE Terms & Conditions.
• By using SECONDSPACE services, Customer agree on behalf of themselves that Customer shall not knowingly or negligently use SECOND SPACE services in a way that abuses or disrupts SECOND SPACE networks, user accounts or the services and Customer shall not avail through SECOND SPACE services for any harassing, indecent, obscene, fraudulent or unlawful material.
• Customers are responsible for GST or any other similar tax/fees which are applicable to the location in which the services are being taken. Similar taxes or fees collectively named -“Taxes and cesses” imposed by the government entity or collecting agency based on the services (except those taxes and cesses based on the net income, or taxes and cesses for which there is exemption certificate) are also applicable. Additionally, if the Customer does not oblige the tax and cess requirement, Customer shall agree to reimburse SECOND SPACE any tax and cess paid on their behalf. In all cases, Customer shall pay the amount due as per the agreement to SECOND SPACE in full amount and the tax and cess amount to be paid to SECOND SPACE separately as applicable.
• In case of any dispute with respect to SECOND SPACE, the decision of SECOND SPACE management shall be final and shall be binding on all parties concerned. Disputes, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts at Thrissur, Kerala only.
• SECOND SPACE shall post the revised version of the Terms & Conditions if there is any modification/update. Customers are requested to check the Terms & Conditions page periodically for the latest version.

Prohibited Users
• No person who is minor by age shall use the application.
• No person shall use this application without acceptance of the terms and conditions as whole.

Company Warranty
• SECOND SPACE shall be providing warranty for some particular vehicles. All those vehicles shall bare SECOND SPACE logo and notification.
• The buyer acknowledges to contact the SECOND SPACE PVT LTD to verify the details of such vehicles.
• To get a vehicle with SECOND SPACE warranty, the buyer shall invest a small amount.
• The buyer acknowledges to contact the company executive directly to get all the details regarding SECOND SPACE warranty.

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