N64oid 2.7 APK

Rating: 124 Votes, 4.2/5

Apps, Racing
Apr 06 2020

Download APK (914.04 KB) Old Version

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File info

version 2.7
Size 914.04 KB
File name com.androidemu.n64-2.7.apk
OS Require 2.0 or higher
Category Racing


N64oid is the very famous Nintendo 64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a port of Mupen64plus, along with Ari64′s ARM dynarec (and gles2N64 as an option).* Run most games smoothly at a reasonable speed (if not full speed) with sound. This requires you have a high-end device (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).* Good game compatibility compared to other N64 emulators running on mobile devices. And most likely more issues will be fixed in future updates.* Save/load game states at ANY points, as well as in-game save support. Save files are fully compatible with Mupen64plus on PC.* A configurable, translucent on-screen keypad that is very easy to use.* Key mappings to map game keys to hardware buttons.* Option to use the G-sensor as the analog stick.* A variety of settings that you can tune on your needs.*System requirement*- Android 2.0 or above- ARMv7 compatible CPU- OpenGL-ES 2.0

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