Technical Details

  • File name:com.LordHonor.Windows10Simulator-2.1.4.apk
  • Version:2.1.4
  • Size:90.87 MB
  • Offered by:
  • OS:Android
  • Architecture:universal

Download Wins 10 Simulator_2.1.4.apk


android.permission.INTERNETAllows to access internet network.
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEAllows to write to external storage such as SD card.
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEAllows to read from external storage such as SD card.
android.permission.USE_BIOMETRICApp customer permission.
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGSAllows to read or write the system settings.
android.permission.VIBRATEAllows access to the vibrator.
android.permission.CAMERAAllows to use the camera device.
android.permission.FLASHLIGHTAllows to use the flashlight.
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEAllows to access information about networks.
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIOAllows to record audio.
android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGSAllows to modify global audio settings.
android.permission.BLUETOOTHAllows to to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
android.permission.WAKE_LOCKAllows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. customer permission.
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETEDAllows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. customer permission.
com.LordHonor.Windows10Simulator.permission.C2D_MESSAGEApp customer permission. customer permission.
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICEApp customer permission.

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