COD GFX Tools 2.0 APK

Rating: 179 Votes, 4.5/5

Apps, Other
Jun 15 2020
Bunny Projects

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version 2.0
Size 3.72 MB
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OS Require 4.4 or higher
Category Other


APP IS IN BETA TESTING AND MIGHT NOT WORK ON ALL DEVICES⭐ ResolutionHere we referring to Video resolution of the game that means the number of pixels displayed in width x height. So, this GFX software supports from 950×540 to 2560×1440 pixels resolution, which covers even the HDR quality video games.If your game has HD & HDR graphics options, then you can go to the resolution option of this GFX Application and set it either on 1920×1080 or 2560×1440.⭐GraphicsHere in the tool, there are multiple graphical options from smooth to HDR. So, you can choose your desired option but for that, you will have to select a supportive resolution. For suppose you have selected the HD option in the graphics section, then you will have change or set 1920×1080 pixels resolution.⭐ FPSI have already explained what is FPS. So, here in this section, you have 3 major options 30FPS, 40FPS, and 60FPS. While you are playing the ultra-graphic video games you will need to set 60FPS. Because this is the highest Frames per seconds rate for any game that will probably help you to make your gameplay faster

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