AadhaarFaceRd 1.1.1 APK

Rating: 0 Votes, 0/5

Apps, Productivity
Nov 10 2024
Unique Identification Authority Of India

Google Play (39.88 MB)

This is an original APK file, it's safe to download and free of any virus.

File info

version 1.1.1
Size 39.88 MB
File name in.gov.uidai.facerd-1.1.1.apk
OS Require 9 or higher
Category Productivity


This application is designed to function as a headless app, meaning it cannot be opened directly from the Play Store or your device\'s app drawer, nor will you find an application icon in your app drawer. It works in collaboration with the Aadhaar Authentication User Agency (AUA), the KYC User Agency (KUA), and other entities.

How the Application Works:
Since the application is headless, there is no option to open it directly from your device. Instead, it is invoked by an AUA or KUA that you are interacting with. When you need to authenticate your identity, the AUA/KUA will trigger the FaceRD application to perform the necessary operations. This design ensures that your interactions with the app are seamless and secure, without requiring you to manually open or interact with the app itself.

Security and Privacy:
This design choice prioritizes your security by minimizing the points of direct interaction and potential vulnerabilities. By being triggered only by authorized agencies, the application reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

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